Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vacation Mini Album

We just recently returned from a vacation/conference trip to Orlando, Florida to attend the North American Christian Convention. We had a great time at the convention and we were able to reconnect with a lot of friends who we haven't seen in so long. We also were able to drive down to Hialeah/Miami to reconnect with our best friends, Alvaro & Dennisse. We had a great time seeing them, eating Dennisse's Puerto Rican food, playing tennis with Alvaro and just sitting around and catching up.

Before we left I made this travel journal/mini album to take with me. I made it out of an old book that I had laying around the house. I cut papers to fit and made pocket pages so that I could insert travel brochures, etc. I like how it turned out and will probably try to make one for each vacation we take from now on.

I really like making mini albums, they don't seem to be as stressful as one big album. They can be strictly a journal or you can add pictures to them to record your vacation not only in words but in photos.

I hope you enjoy!

the blue sneakers

  Days seemed grander then. The sun would burst through the window each morning as an invitation to a new adventure. These were the days bef...