Friday, April 29, 2016

The Day the Preacher and I Said Goodbye to Target

If you know me at all you know that my favorite store is Target. Just walking into the doors makes me happy. The brightly lit aisles, the clean floors, the bright colored merchandise, the friendly, professional and courteous employees, these are what makes Target stand out to me. So you can just imagine my disappointment upon hearing the news of their new "inclusivity" policy. I talked it over with the Preacher and we decided that we would no longer be able to shop at my favorite store.

I first heard of their new policy on social media. I went onto Target's website to see if maybe someone had gotten it wrong, but no, there it was on their home page. (Along with suggestions on how to celebrate "The Day of the Child", which I found ironic.) 

Since reading Target's announcement I have also read many other articles from people who are very concerned for their safety and their children's safety. One of the articles was written by a woman who had been sexually abused as a child. She has spent many years of living in fear, showering in her underwear and even stuffing a towel under the bathroom door. She talked about how, after reading the new policy, how her heart began to race. She could not imagine how she would react if a man should walk into a dressing room or bathroom right behind her! She understands, as do I, that not all transgender people are predators. What she is afraid of and is saying is that deviant men in this world will use this to their advantage. Just another way to exploit women and children.

I also have read several accounts of men who have been arrested for doing the exact thing we are concerned about. The most recent was a Missouri man who was caught filming women in a Target dressing room. He is not a transgender person, he is just a male pervert going where he is not supposed to be. The article was published April 26, 2016

The Preacher and I do not discriminate against anyone. We try to show love to everyone we meet. Discrimination is not what we are concerned with. The safety of women and children are being overlooked here just so Target can include .03% of the population and be viewed upon as a politically correct corporation. 

On Monday, April 25, the Preacher and I had to go to Fort Collins for doctor's appointments. The week before I had purchased a couple of items from Target, before I had heard about their new policy, and I needed to return them. The Preacher dropped me off at the door, I went straight to the Service Desk, returned my items and I walked right back out. Do you know how hard that was?! Right there in the aisle was this really cute summer display. It took all of my being to keep on task. The bright lights, the clean floors, the bright colored merchandise, the smiling courteous employees, they were all pulling me in. But I conquered, I resisted their pull.

Don't worry, I will get over my disappointment. I will find a new store. I feel good. I feel like we have stood for morality, something that seems to be slowly vanishing in today's world.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.             Romans 12:2

Love from the Preacher and I

While writing this post, I went to Target's website to check on their policy one more time. This time the policy was no where to be found. They have buried it somewhere within their site.  

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