This is my first posting on my very first blog and I am very excited. I have put this off for about a year now. That is when I first discovered 'blogging' by visiting a blog written by the daughter of a friend and fellow church member. I have thought about doing it for so long but was scared and not sure if I would be able to do all of the techy stuff that needs to be done. But with the help of my son, who seems to know all there is when it comes to computers, I think I just may be able to do this.
So for my first blog I would like to talk about a study I have found that I think will help with my creativity. It is called "Discovering Joy in Your Creativity - You are made in the image of a creative God" by Margaret Feinberg. I have only done the first lesson but I already enjoy it very much. Let me share a scripture that Luci Swindoll refered to in her forward: "Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life." Galations 6:4 (translation: The Message)
I love that verse. This verse will help to free me up. To create for just me and not for other people. I think I have been trying to create for others for the past 10 years or so. I need to get back to the basics.So if you would like to do a little study on your own or have a group study with others then I would recommend this book. (You don't have to be crafty creative to do this study.)
Well I think that will be all for this first post. I need to look over the settings to continue to learn how this blog thing works.
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