Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family, her name is Bellus. If you have been reading this you know that we have been searching for a cat for about 2 months now. We have been looking for an Egyptian Mau or a Bengal. Well Don and I went to PetSmart on Valentine's Day just to see if they had any cats left over from their National Adoption Weekend. And yes they did! Bellus was the third cat that we looked at and when we saw the markings on her legs, head and belly we just knew she had to have some Bengal in her. (Sorry for the picture with the white eyes, she has the most beautiful green eyes.) She was so cute and lovable that we said "We'll take her!" A few hours later, after buying everything you need for a house cat we were on our way home with Bellus.
Actually her name that the Shelter had given her was Turnip but my son didn't like that name. He found Bellus, which means beautiful in Latin. She's to sophisticated to have a name like Turnip!
We were a little nervous about she and Max, our Lab, getting along, but no worries at all! They get along very well. No dog chasing a cat yet!! She has been sleeping in our son's room for the last two nights and she pretty much follows him throughout the house. She is so cute.
We just love have Bellus in our family!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Relay for Life

We had our Relay for Life Kick-Off last night. It was held at the Nazarene Church here in town. Don and I are on the Planning Committee plus Don is heading up the Food Committee. So we were not going to be a Team Captains this year but some people who were there last night asked if they could be on Don's team this year, so guess who is team captains again this year! We enjoy doing it, it is just a lot of work.
We were discouraged last year since we were not able to raise very much money. I think we had the lowest amount raised. How embarrassing. So this year we are starting early, like I am beginning today! Cellular Recycler is teaming up with the American Cancer Society to donate money for old cell phones. I have ordered all of the necessary materials to collect the old/unused cell phones and I am going to announce today in church for people to begin collecting their old cell phones and to bring them in to me. Anything little thing can help.
Both of our families have been affected by this terrible thing called cancer. I don't think there is a person out there who hasn't had at least one person in their family affected by this. This fund raiser then is very important to us. Maybe some day with the help of all this money being raised for research, they will finally find a cure.
If you would like to help find a cure, be sure to check out the American Cancer Society's website to find out what you can do.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Living Water Academy of the Plains

We are starting up a new Christian academy here in Yuma. It is called Living Water Academy of the Plains. It is very exciting to think that there will be a classical based academy here in our community. We are trying to get everything finished up to begin classes in August of this year.

We will follow the Logos School from Idaho. Go to their website to find out more about this awesome school. We are going to strive very hard to make our school just as great as that school.
If you have any questions just leave a comment or email me.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's cold outside and on the inside

We are in a complete freeze here in Northeast Colorado as is much of the plains, and it is coming into the Midwest. We have kept the a fire in our fireplace for the last 24 hours.
This is how my creativity is right now, in a complete freeze. Nothing is coming to mind. I have no desire to go into my scrap room. It just feels like my scrap room is so far away from my family. It feels very lonely down there. At first I blamed it on my grief over the loss of my mother-in-law, but now I'm not sure. I think it could be some insecurities coming on too. Maybe when the weather outside gets a little better maybe so will my desire to be creative.

the blue sneakers

  Days seemed grander then. The sun would burst through the window each morning as an invitation to a new adventure. These were the days bef...