Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hospital Visit

Last Friday night I went to bed with a headache, I then woke up at 1:00am with such a severe pain in my stomach. At 9:00am I was so weak from being sick all night long (every 10 min) that Don was getting very worried so he got me up and off we went to the Clinic at the Yuma District Hospital. Once there they sent me straight to the ER. I spent the next 7 hours getting hooked up to IV's and they were giving me anti-nausea medicine all day. After a cat scan and some much needed sleep (induced by the medicine), I was finally able to hold down some jell-o and juice so they let me go home. I really don't remember a lot of that day or the next day I was still very weak and still under the drug's effects. It wasn't until Monday evening that I finally began feeling like myself. The doctor had a suspicion of what was going on but I need to go back for more test to be sure.

I've been admitted into a hospital before for various procedures but that was my first time in an ER. From the moment you are placed into an ER bed you loose all sense of dignity. All you want them to do is to get you better and you do not care what they do to get you to that point. I had two very nice and sweet nurses (the perks of small town is that they know you personally) and the Dr. was so good to me too. You could tell that they were trying their best to figure out not only what was wrong but what kinds of medicines and procedures that would help me feel better.

I was watching a TV reality show that showed the lives of Doctors in an ER setting and what kind of cases that come through these big city hospitals. This one particular Dr. had just saved this man's life and he said that he believed in God and that God sends miracles down to us every day but we just don't seem to see them. He said that someone had once told him that the Doctors dress the wounds and God heals them. I saw that happen on that day I was so sick. I thank the nurses and Doctor for being there to help me and I thank God for healing me.

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