Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rearranging of the Furniture

I had posted on my Facebook a few days back that I rearranged my dining room and kitchen. My son said when he say that post that I had changed around the refrigerator and stove and the kitchen cabinets.

I know he was teasing me but I thought I would go ahead and show you a little of what I did. I took out the big pine cabinet I had in the kitchen. (It held the microwave, toaster and some metal bowls, etc.) I then took my dining room hutch apart and put the table (the bottom half) in place of the big pine cabinet. I turned this into a desk. I love the way it looks. The dining room looks so much roomy and there is so much more room going from the kitchen into the dining room. I had fun rearranging but it took all day long. I didn't think it would take very much time to move two pieces of furniture but once you get started on a project like this you realize just how dirty things are. The things that are behind and not seen on a day to day basis. My next big project will be my scrap-booking space. That is going to be a huge undertaking. I need to go through everything and purge!

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