Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Right to Life Sunday

Last Sunday was National Right to Life Sunday. So I thought I'd share with you my experience of this wonderful cause.

Back in the mid-70's I was told that I could not have any children of my own; it was physically impossible. Little did I know at that time what God had planned for me.

During the 80's the Right to Life campaign was beginning to find their voice. My husband and I began to take part helping a local Pregnancy Center. We were asked at one time to make a sign and stand on the side of a busy highway where we lived at the time. While standing there I couldn't believe how much hate there was for this cause .

I took the sign that we used and put it in the back window of the vehicle that we were driving at that time. I could not believe how many nasty notes that would be taped to my car.

I was a woman who could not have children. I could not understand how anyone could possibly think of doing the unthinkable, killing their own child. My heart went out to all of those babies and also out to all of those women.

Well, God had a plan for my life, he healed whatever problem my body had and at the age of 39 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I love the picture that I have attached, it shows just how beautiful child bearing is.

We again are working with a local Pregnancy Center and they are doing a great work here in NE Colorado.

I ask that whoever reads this blog that you would first, pray for our country, that this awful law that we have, Roe vs Wade, would be turned around; second, pray for the healing of the soul for all of the women who have bought into the lie that it is not a baby until the actual birth; third, I ask that you get involved in a local branch of a Pregnancy Center.

"For you have created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you becuase I am fearfully and wonderfully made;" Psalm 139:13-14

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