Tuesday, December 30, 2014

When the Preacher is Sick Who Do You Call?

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Last week, Christmas week, the Preacher was running a fever, he was nauseous, he felt weak and just wanted to lay in bed and sleep. On Monday he went to our local clinic and he was diagnosed with the influenza. 

Our son, the PK, had returned from Basics the Friday before and I know the Preacher hated the fact he was down in bed sick. We had not finished our Christmas shopping and we had a Christmas Eve Service to prepare. The PK and I were able to purchase the final gifts, but what to do about the church service?

Our Christmas Eve Service is a very laid back, family oriented service. We always ask people to come and tell their favorite Christmas stories, play and/or sing a Christmas song. We close the service singing "Silent Night" while lighting candles and then each family takes communion together.

The Preacher leads the congregational singing, puts together the program and then directs everyone, letting them know when they are to come up on stage. This year he was not able to do any of these things nor was he even able to attend.

We discussed who we could get to take over the Preacher's role. We decided to call a gentleman from our church, to see if he would help out and he agreed, so we began making plans for the evening. This gentleman then found someone to read the Christmas story from the book of Luke and he also found someone to lead the singing. He did a great job leading the people, letting them know when it was their turn to sing or play a song.

Also, before the service began someone else came to me to let me know that if ever this happens again, they would be more than willing to help the Preacher in anyway they could. 

The service was wonderful, every seat in the building was taken and everyone did a great job!

In the last 9 and a half years there has not been very many days that the Preacher has had to ask for help, but when it did, there was always someone there to step in to help. I remember one time we woke up on a Sunday morning and the Preacher, the PK and I were sick with a stomach bug. The Preacher called our neighbor who attends the church and explained that we were not able to be at church that day. This person then began making calls and the Sunday morning service went smoothly.

What I am trying to say is that I want to thank all those who step in and help the Preacher and I when we are too ill or not capable to fulfill our duties on any given day. We have men and women who are so willing to help. You don't know what that means to us. We want to serve you but there are so many times that you serve us and we love you for that!

Thank You and Love from the Preacher and I

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