Friday, September 8, 2017

Happy Birthday to Sergeant!

This dog, this beautiful Border Collie, came into our lives 3 years ago this weekend. You might say he was our son's rebound dog. 

We had lost our precious Max just 3 months before we found Sergeant. Our son missed having a dog in his life so much that he was asking us almost daily if he could get another dog. (You can read all about Max here.)

On the second weekend of September, our town has Old Thresher Days.  At this festival of re-enactment of the old farming equipment and days gone by, there is always a small petting zoo where you can find baby kittens, chickens, goats, lambs, donkeys, and even one year there was a llama. Sergeant was there that year, along with his 3 brothers and sisters. Our son picked Sergeant out immediately and then went looking for us to come and see this puppy, this puppy that he just had to have. Our son knew this was the dog for him, the one he had been looking for these past 3 months. 

The Preacher was not thrilled with the idea of getting a dog so soon, especially when he knew our son would be heading to Basic Training in just a few months. He knew that we would be "babysitting" this dog when our son left for the Army.

But I fell in love with this puppy too. He had the cutest little face, who could resist? The Preacher has a hard time with telling his son and his wife no, so we scooped the puppy up in our arms and off he went to live with us and to become the Church Dog.  

Happy Birthday Sergeant!

Love from the Preacher and I

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