Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Beautiful Hazel Eyes

My son took a picture of his own eye. Sometimes he gets very artsy with the camera. He wanted to take the pic to place on his computer. When I saw the pics I really loved them. So I thought I'd share the pictures of my son's beautiful eyes.
We always have thought that his eyes were beautiful. When he was a baby they were a very pretty shade of blue and as he grew older they turned into what you see here. His eye lashes are so long and beautiful too. When he was about 5 or 6 we caught him cutting his eye lashes. We were so freaked out that he would take scissors up that close to his eyes but also because he cut his gorgeous eye lashes. He didn't like them being so long because he thought they looked like girl's lashes. But all is well, I guess they grew back because they are still gorgeous.
I loved pictures of hands, eyes, arms, feet, etc., of your loved ones. They in them self tell a story. I once did a page of a picture of Sam's foot. My husband had told me to just throw away the picture (it had been taken by mistake). I looked at the picture and realized that his foot would soon be bigger and that little baby foot would be gone. So I saved the picture and love the page that I did for it.
Well I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Feast

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!
We had a very lazy day Thursday, we woke up and ate, we laid around then ate, then more laying around and more eating.
We didn't have anyone over to share in our Thanksgiving feast, so we had the whole turkey to ourselves. We've been eating turkey sandwiches ever since. ;)
Being so far from our families the holiday feeling sometimes isn't there. Don tries to invite people over, those who also don't have family in town. It does help to get that holiday feeling. But this year we didn't start inviting until it was a little to late. Really it turned out okay because we all got some much needed rest.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


On Friday, Nov 19, we had a Family Game Night here at the church. We had a very good turn out of adults and children. Sam asked if I would play Scrabble with he and his friends. We had a great time playing. It is so cool to think that Sam enjoys playing this game. When I was young, Sam's age and younger, my family, on my mother's side, would all get together on Sunday afternoons and play Scrabble. I remember how fierce of a competition it would be with my Grandfather Nelson. (He would not allow the dictionary to be cracked open unless someone disputed a word.) Now here Sam and I are playing together. This is one of those neat memories I will always keep and I hope someday he will enjoy playing the game with his family. (We are much more easy going with the dictionary thing. HA!)

As you can see I didn't win, Sam's friend Marcos won pretty easy. I got stuck with Z and J and no where to put them.

Do you have a favorite game you like to play with your family? If you do let me know.

The craft fair is done. I'm glad that it is because I was so stressed out before and during. I will post some of the pics from the fair at a later date. Right now I've got to get home and get some work done for PSA Essentials.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Snow

We received our first snow of the season today. We woke up to maybe 1 or 2 inches. By 11:00am it had started to melt. It has been cold and we have kept the fire going all day.
The local craft fair starts Saturday and I'm not ready for it. So I worked on these note pads today. I'd like to give these away to those who visit my booth. I'll have some cards and tags there to sell, but mostly I just want to get my name out there and to show my work in scrapbook design. Hopefully I'll have some clients after this. People here really like to make scrapbooks for their graduating seniors. I don't know how it will go, so pray for me Saturday if you think of it.
Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ride on the Train

This is a page I made about our trip on the Amtrak Train. We rode the train from Ft. Morgan to Glenwood Springs CO. It is a beautiful trip, you ride through the Rockies and it is gorgeous. The town is a lovely town too. We stay at the Hotel Denver which sits directly across from the Amtrak Station. Plus their restaurant is wonderful. This was Sam's first time riding the train and I think he really enjoyed it. The lounge car is the best place to ride. If you can see in the one picture, there are windows at the top of the car so when you go through the mountains you can see up to the top of the cliffs. On this trip we saw deer running through the trees and the best thing is, we saw 2 bald eagles!
Hope you enjoy!

Background paper is from Rusty Pickle
tags from the office store
Actual ticket
and the rest is just scraps from my scrap pile

the blue sneakers

  Days seemed grander then. The sun would burst through the window each morning as an invitation to a new adventure. These were the days bef...