I had such high hopes to document this weekend in pictures and journal. I journaled this weekend but the pictures didn't get taken. I had 2 cameras in my backpack all weekend long. What people don't understand is that the National Storytelling Festival is intense. You arrive at 8:00am even though the first hour of storytelling doesn't begin until 10:00am. In the last 16 years the crowds have grown so much. There is limited seating in each tent and you know that the most favorite tellers will cause the tents to fill fast. So you arrive early, you find the tent you want to attend (there are 5 tents to choose from.) I heard someone say that there were 61,000 people there this weekend. So when you find a seat you stay there, you save your seats for your family, even tho there are several people who get upset with you for "saving" seats. If you choose to move to another tent you only have a 1/2 hour in between sets, so you have to hurry. Stories are told from 10:00am until 10:00 at night. You are kept busy all day. So stopping to take pictures just isn't in the time frame. So I'll just put some "scraps" in my October book and that will have to do to document this weekend.
This weekend is the only weekend in the whole year that time actually flies. It is the best weekend. The best storytellers from around the world are there to capture your imaginations. These are not your local librarians sitting there reading a book to you, no these are people who actually 'tell' you stories of folklore or a story from their childhood, or a story that is so crazy you know it's not true but you just keep listening and asking for more. Some stories make you laugh so hard that you don't want the story to end but other stories can make you cry that you wish the story wouldn't end just because you love the way the story makes you feel.
If you want to know more about this weekend go to the website for the National Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough TN and I highly recommend this weekend for your whole family.
We have now drove back to Knoxville to get a hotel and get some rest. We have been sleeping in a tent the last 4 days in 50 degree weather and it was damp. We decided to get a more comfortable bed and a warmer room.
My mom had met us in Jonesborough and went to the Festival with us. She stayed there tonight and will leave tomorrow for Indiana. It was a hard goodbye. I'm hoping to be able to see her at Christmas time.
Well I better put this down and get some rest. Sam goes tomorrow to tour Johnson Bible College. Maybe I'll get some pictures tomorrow. I didn't even get pictures of him at Milligan. I really was worried I'd embarrass him.
Okay I really do need to go.